The Vital Role of Magnesium in Plant Health and Development
The Vital Role of Magnesium in Plant Growth
Essential for the growth of plants, magnesium plays a crucial part in the creation of chlorophyll, the vibrant green pigment that brings plants to life. Its involvement in numerous other plant processes is also significant.
Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Photosynthesis
A lack of magnesium has a negative impact on photosynthesis, which is the process of growth. During photosynthesis, plants utilize chlorophyll to convert carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrate molecules. These in turn are used to construct cellular structures.
Indications of Magnesium Deficiency in Plants
One of the initial signs of magnesium deficiency in plants is chlorosis. This is characterised by the yellowing of leaf tissue between the veins, resulting in a marbled appearance while the veins remain green. Also, the leaves' edges may turn red, brown, or purple.
Mechanism of Magnesium Mobility in Plants
Magnesium is mobile within plants, i.e., it can be moved from one part of a plant to another. Some nutrients, like calcium, are not mobile or have very limited mobility and cannot be translocated from one cell to another.
When there is a magnesium deficiency, plants may break down chlorophyll in older leaves to reallocate magnesium to younger, actively growing tissues. This can lead to chlorosis, where leaves lose their green colour, typically starting with the older leaves.
If a magnesium deficiency is not addressed, chlorosis, initially evident in older leaves, will eventually affect new growth. Prolonged deficiency can lead to leaf necrosis (death of leaf tissue) and the shedding of older leaves. Magnesium is also crucial for activating various enzymes; a deficiency can lead to reduced enzyme activity, negatively impacting plant growth and overall health.
Solutions for Correcting Magnesium Deficiency in Plants
Using Magnesium-Enriched Fertilisers
There are several effective methods available to address magnesium deficiency in plants. One option is to use fertilisers formulated with magnesium in your plant care routine. For instance, the Superthrive (Dyna-Gro) Nutrient Solution series contains magnesium in its formulation, ensuring that your plants receive an adequate supply of magnesium every time you feed them.
Magnesium Supplements for Plants
Another approach is using a magnesium supplement designed to address magnesium deficiency. One example is the Superthrive (Dyna-Gro) Mag-Pro 2-15-4, which contains 2% magnesium and 1.5% sulfur in its composition.
Foliar Spraying with Magnesium Solutions
Additionally, you can implement a regular regimen of foliar spraying with a solution that contains magnesium. This method allows direct magnesium absorption by the plant leaves, providing a relatively quick nutrient supply.
Applying Epsom Salts for Magnesium Supplementation
Applying Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) as a soil drench can effectively supplement magnesium. Mix 1 level teaspoon of Epsom salts per 10 litres of water and apply it to the soil.
Amending Soil with Dolomitic Lime
Lastly, amending your soil or growing medium with dolomitic lime, a good magnesium source, can also help address magnesium deficiency in plants.